Schloss Niederweiden
Built in the last decade of the seventeenth century as Jagdschloss – a place for an accommodation during hunting, Schloss Niederweiden stands today on a busy street, passed by numerous cars. However, wild animals in the area can feel safe, the Jagdschloss is now only a place of exhibitions and events:
no more hunting,
photoshooting conditional allowed.
The entire roof is covered with wooden tiles, which fit well with the original style of the palace.
Start / Geography / Europe / Austria / Lower Austria / Gänserndorf District / Schloss Niederweiden
Published On: 2018/09Last Updated: 2023/04Categories: Gänserndorf DistrictTags: Castles and palaces75 words0.4 min readDaily Views: 2Total Views: 1662