"Love padlocks" on the Makartsteg Bridge in Salzburg.

“Love padlocks” on the Makartsteg Bridge in Salzburg

Makartsteg is a pedestrian bridge connecting both banks of the Salza River in Salzburg, the capital of the Austrian federal state with the same name as the city. It is best known for the so-called “padlocks of love”, which have been placed there by the love-couples, expressing their feelings and counting on the longevity of the relationship.

Heavy metal

The first 42 love padlocks were removed in May 2011 on the basis of a resolution of the City Hall, which declared them to be inconsistent with the regulations in force concerning “posters and similar things”. However, it was soon acknowledged that this was a misapprehension and was allowed to continue placing them, probably counting on greater profits from tourism.


I suppose that the custom itself is even older than its description contained in the novel “I Want You” (Federico Moccia, 2006), and so visually attractive tradition will still enjoy popularity. However, I do not take part in it. The purpose of placing the love padlocks –

hope for eternal love

– I can not express with the help of things that will be rusted.

Start / Land Explorer / Europe / Austria / Salzburg (state) / Salzburg / “Love padlocks” on the Makartsteg Bridge in Salzburg

Published On: 2017/12Last Updated: 2023/10Categories: Salzburg182 words0.9 min readDaily Views: 1Total Views: 1570