The grazing cattle at Semmering.

The grazing cattle at Semmering

Warning sign on the Semmering massif: “Warning, grazing cattle, avoid contact with grazing animals! Cows protect their calves! Dogs must be kept on a leash. In an emergency, leash out immediately.” (German: “Achtung Weidevieh, Kontakt zu Weidetieren vermeiden! Kühe schützen ihre Kälber! Hunde unbedingt an der Leine führen. Im Notfall sofort ableinen.”).

Start / Geography / Europe / Austria / Lower Austria / Neunkirchen District / The grazing cattle at Semmering

Published On: 2022/08Last Updated: 2022/12Categories: Neunkirchen DistrictTags: 56 words0.3 min readDaily Views: 2Total Views: 326